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Benjamin C. Wachtel    

          Hey there!  I'm Ben Wachtel (Wahk-tul), now a High School Graduate heading off to Miami Univeristy (of Ohio). I'm a very multi-interested guy. I do Kendo, love photography, draw when I have the time, work on inventing cool new stuff, and just generally enjoy a slew of random and obscure things.  I live in northeast Ohio, which I have a love-hate relationship with (We're notorious for having the craziest weather patterns ever).  I'm also probably an INFJ for those of you MBTI personality nerds out there.


          Anyway, I hope you enjoy this site of mine.  It's a very new project, so I hope you'll have pity on me as I explore the vast world of writing, web design, SEO, etc.  I'll probably make plenty of mistakes along the way, but let's just have fun with this!


(photo by Dagen Shellenberger)

All content Copyright 2017 by Benjamin C. Wachtel

(except as otherwise noted or as common sense applies)

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