Benjamin C. Wachtel
Hey there! I'm Ben Wachtel (Wahk-tul), now a High School Graduate heading off to Miami Univeristy (of Ohio). I'm a very multi-interested guy. I do Kendo, love photography, draw when I have the time, work on inventing cool new stuff, and just generally enjoy a slew of random and obscure things. I live in northeast Ohio, which I have a love-hate relationship with (We're notorious for having the craziest weather patterns ever). I'm also probably an INFJ for those of you MBTI personality nerds out there.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this site of mine. It's a very new project, so I hope you'll have pity on me as I explore the vast world of writing, web design, SEO, etc. I'll probably make plenty of mistakes along the way, but let's just have fun with this!
(photo by Dagen Shellenberger)